Specialised Library | Archive - research at the museum
The specialised library of the museum contains about 40.000 volumes and is divided into five domains:
- scientific reference library
- scientific inheritance
- scientific photo library
- natural science magazines
- specialiased lcollection of paleobotanic and entomological literature
Scientific Reference Library
Our scientific library contains about 3.500 monographs and reference books as well as about 5000 special prints. These publications especially deal with paleobotanical, paleozoolocial, floristic and faunistic topics. Furthermore, geological text books, guides and maps are kept in the archive. Continous accessions play a big role in contributing the library to a real scientific treasure.
Scientific Inheritance
Our scientific inheritance contain books, letters, scripts, notes and maps which especially deal with the geology of Saxony and the distribution of fossil wood in Chemnitz.
Treasures in our archive are:
- the bibliophilic property of Johann Traugott Sterzel - about 3.500 books, separates, letters, scripts, notes and maps (paleontology, geology, collecting)
- the property of Hans Prescher (1926-1996), long-time director of the national museum of mineralogy and geology, Dresden - essays about geoscience and museology; the entire literature of Prescher about Agricola can be found in the Agricola research center of Chemnitz
- the property of Roland Wienholz (1930-1992), professor of global and regional geology at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg - literature of geology
Sientific Photo Library
A scientific photo library (geology/paleontology: coll. Urban, Rößler, biology: coll. Fiedler) completes presentations, events, publications and exhibitions, moreover even marketing and public relations of the museum. For now, we work on digitising our collections.
Natural Science Journals
For about 140 years, we exchange scientific literature with other museums and reserach institutions. Furthermore, we purchase and archive selected journals, magazines and other periodicals.
If you have any question about our journal collection, please feel free to contact Ms Ramona Schwab.
Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz | Moritzstraße 20, 09111Chemnitz
Öffnungszeiten Mo, Di, Do, Fr 9-17 Uhr | Sa, So 10-18 Uhr
www.naturkunde-chemnitz.de | info@naturkunde-chemnitz.de
Tel. 0371 - 488 45 51 | Fax 0371 - 488 45 97