biologische Sammlung

Our Biological Collections

The biological collections are divided in four domains, namely entomology, our focus, invertebrates, vertebrates and botany. Whithin these domains are numerous special collections.

Collection of vertebrates

Wirbeltiersammlung im Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz The collection of vertebrates contains more than 2500 pieces. In particular it includes:

  • Central European birds (taxidermied specimen, bird skins, eggs, nests)
  • mammalia (taxidermied specimen, skeletons, furs, horns and antlers)
  • as well as exotic species

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Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz | Moritzstraße 20, 09111Chemnitz
Öffnungszeiten Mo, Di, Do, Fr 9-17 Uhr | Sa, So 10-18 Uhr |
Tel. 0371 - 488 45 51 | Fax 0371 - 488 45 97