Our Botanical Collection
Botanical collections, also called herbaria consist of dry and pressed plants or plant components. All plants and plant components are fixed on thick sheets of paper and labeled with the information of site, collector and date. Our collection inherit 13 herbaria, all together 5.186 sheets. Each sheet reflects floral changes in time and space. Thus, the herbaria provide various material to investigate floral changes in Saxony for long periods of time.
Important herbaria are:
- a divers collection from Otto Zabel and Christoph Cohrs from 1925 to 1940
- plants of Germany collected by Dr. Georg Rochow from 1950
- indigenous plants collected by Erhard Nietzel
- officinal plants collected by the pharmacist Dr. Herbert Hornauer
Special sections are a collection of marine algae from 1860, a collection of leaf mines, a collection of cross sections of 100 wood species from 1876 as well as a collection of seeds from Clemens Kleindienst.
Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz | Moritzstraße 20, 09111Chemnitz
Öffnungszeiten Mo, Di, Do, Fr 9-17 Uhr | Sa, So 10-18 Uhr
www.naturkunde-chemnitz.de | info@naturkunde-chemnitz.de
Tel. 0371 - 488 45 51 | Fax 0371 - 488 45 97