Thanks for your support
Donations are to be made to the Freundeskreis des Museums für Naturkunde Chemnitz e.V. (Circle of Friends of the Museum fuer Naturkunde Chemnitz).
Donations (if nessecary with a comment on their purpuse) can be transfered to the association account:
Bank: Commerzbank Chemnitz
IBAN: DE39 8704 0000 0601 3148 00
The association can will provide you with a receipt for your donation on request.
What happens with my donation?
You are interested in the activities of the Circle of Friends of the Freundeskreises des Museums für Naturkunde?
Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz | Moritzstraße 20, 09111Chemnitz
Öffnungszeiten Mo, Di, Do, Fr 9-17 Uhr | Sa, So 10-18 Uhr |
Tel. 0371 - 488 45 51 | Fax 0371 - 488 45 97